Coaching with Siama

Life Goals

How knowing your goals can make a difference in what you do

When I have a new client one of the first things we discuss is where they are in different areas of their lives and where they want to be. I give them a chart with several categories and they assess where they are in each category rating it from 1-10. The categories are, health, money, career, personal growth, physical environment, fun and recreation, friends and family and significant other (romance). It’s a powerful tool to become aware of where you are in the moment in your life. Frequently my clients are shocked or surprised when they do this exercise, mostly because they’ve never taken the time to look at their lives specifically in this way.

When we actually bring our awareness to these subjects, it is very empowering. It’s a way to show us what is mattering in our lives in the moment and how we spend our time and resources. Once a client rates each of these categories they can then decide which ones need attention and focus. From there we begin to look at goals: goals for one year, five years and ten years. Having a goal in each of these areas allows us to expand and bring out our best in achieving them. 

For example, say you own a small business and want to expand it.  It doesn’t just happen all by itself. It takes a certain kind of focus, intention and commitment to achieve expansion. This is true in all of the above areas. In terms of a business I would ask my client to write down specific goals that she/he wants to see happen in the coming year. This is a very powerful exercise, because it allows us to become aware of and decide how we will use our energy and resources. It brings to the forefront many options and paths we can take to achieve our business goals. It may mean learning things we don’t know in this moment, or hiring someone to teach us these things. It also could mean investing in new equipment or moving to a place that will meet the expanding needs of the business. 

Having goals to focus on is important. Frequently I ask my clients to write down their goals and put the list up in places where they can see them several times a day – the bathroom mirror, the car, the fridge etc. Visualizing your goals is also an empowered way to achieve them. Making a vision board for your business can make a huge difference in what you achieve. It not only gives you concrete mental pictures, but is also inspires your choices by stirring up your energies and excitement about what is happening.

My requests and questions are:

  1. Make an assessment of where you are in each of these categories: health, money, career, personal growth, physical environment, fun and recreation, friends and family and significant other (romance). 1 being the low and 10 being the high.
  2. What are your goals in each area for this year?
  3. What will you do to achieve them?


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P.O Box 845, La Veta, CO, 81055 USA